Quality Policy

In His name
Safety and Environmental Quality Policy
To implement and establish the quality management system of ISO-14001 and ISO-9001 Standards

Pol Sazeh Iran Company, as one of the most active and influential companies in the field of roads and bridges contracting as well as a good family member of manufacturers and producers in Iran, has always followed the following general principles as its safety and environmental quality policy:
1- Observing all basic provisions and national requirements set by employers and executive and legislative organizations, including Iranian National Standards Organization, Department of Environment, Health and Welfare agencies and other organization.
2- Continuous reduction of safety and environmental risks using the known mechanisms and complying with procedures, guidelines and circulars issued on safety, workshop on workplace health
3- Providing all equipment and facilities in accordance with the engineering principles and preserving them in a totally safe condition
4- Having clearly evident standpoints in terms of existing problems and deficiencies, participating in stipulation of safety and health matters and participating in efforts to eliminate shortcomings
5- Delivering training courses to raise awareness on safety and environmental matters for all employees and agents working in the Company
6- Promoting effectiveness and efficiency through reducing waste and saving materials and energy
7- Informing all interested parties enjoying media, email, bulletin boards, various circulars and inserting materials in the Company's website
8- Achieving maximum customer satisfaction via timely delivery of services and projects within time periods agreed upon in agreements and treaties
9- Observing all technical principles and maximum compliance with reliable criteria and standards
10- Promoting technical knowledge of personnel, increasing public and technical awareness, especially through the establishment and deepening of the training process
11- Maximizing productivity, efficiency and effectiveness through the systematic implementation of a process-oriented approach and continuous control and improvement of indicators defined in the processes
12 Enhancing the feeling of being useful among personnel and motivating staff to exert more efforts via incentive policies in all working fronts towards long-term goals
The mentioned twelve items shall act as a practical guide for the internal formation of the Company and regular meetings held in the Company will evaluate, refine, revise and correct them on the basis of the collective will of all employees.
Chairman of the Board                                                                                      CEO
Signature                                                                                                            Signature